Lucecapades! Welcome to our world..

Party Animal
May 10, 2009, 7:52 pm
Filed under: babygonzo!, mr. and mrs.

Back in the dark ages of Graham’s life, otherwise known as the first few weeks, I feared that I would never again see the light of day, much less get to enjoy one of my favorite past times, live music.  As I panicked over my crying baby, I assumed those days were dead to the world.  Who knew that a mere ten weeks later we’d be found hanging with all our friends at a music festival in Austin!  Turns out that becoming a parent isn’t the end of fun after all.  :)  We were a little nervous about testing our luck with this venture out into the world, but Graham has been such a calm little man lately that we figured we’d take the chance.. Man did it pay off!  He was awesome all day long – Not a peep and he even took a nap in the middle of all the mayhem!  Sam and I really enjoyed ourselves and were so glad that we had Graham there with us.  He got to experience what I’m sure will be his first of many concerts with us!  Who knew parenting could be such a blast – What a great Mother’s Day treat for me!  Chalk it up to a sure victory for Team Gonzo.

Baby Central - AKA, Our camp - We had several passerbys stop and Ooh and Aah!

Baby Central - AKA, Our camp - We had several passerbys stop and Ooh and Aah!

Passed out cold from all the excitement.

Passed out cold from all the excitement.

Dad and Graham hanging out with the boys.

Graham hanging out with the boys.

SO happy to have hime with us!

SO happy to have him with us!

10 weeks
May 7, 2009, 7:03 pm
Filed under: babygonzo!, tales from the heart

Today Graham turns ten weeks old.  Two and a half months.  An eternity. 

It truly seems like he’s already been a part of our lives for as long as I can remember.  He is a natural fit; like finding the missing puzzle piece when I never realized the picture wasn’t complete.  Sam and I have always been a ridiculously happy couple and before we had Graham I honestly did not believe that we could possibly be happier.  In fact, I often worried that throwing in the stress of a kid would take away some of that joy because I just didn’t see how it could possibly increase, but now that he’s here it seems that I can hardly remember our lives without him.  That’s not to say that I don’t sometimes pine for the days of a little less responsibility, but I wouldn’t trade one of his worst gassy grumpy days for a year’s worth of that freedom. 

I think like most new moms, I originally found it very difficult to learn to share my life and to give up so much freedom.  Making that adjustment was so more difficult than I’d thought it would be.  I was completely sideswiped by this incredible force that entered our lives and changed it so dramatically, but as time has passed and I have grown more comfortable in my new role I feel confident in saying that Graham is the best thing could have happened to us.  He is just so sweet and so handsome and innocent I just can’t help but love him with all my soul.  To look at him and see both his father and myself is just incredible.  Every time he sneezes or yawns or breathes I find myself in awe that we created an actual living person with his own personality and his own quirks.   We are completely in love with him and I feel so excited that I get the privilege of watching him grow up. 

 Happy ten weeks little man!  We love you!

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Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
May 5, 2009, 8:00 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized
Celebrating his heritage.

Celebrating his heritage.

Our nightly entertainment
May 4, 2009, 6:06 pm
Filed under: babygonzo!

Dear Graham,

During your bath last night you let out a monster fart that bubbled up and exploded on the surface.  Then, when dad took you out of the tub you farted again directly into his hand!  Both times you just looked at us with an  expressionless face that said, “What?”  This was by far the absolute best part of my day.

I love you so much.

Love,  Mom
