Lucecapades! Welcome to our world..

Thanksgiving Belly
November 30, 2008, 9:28 pm
Filed under: babygonzo!, Bellly Shots

I can’t BELIEVE how big I’ve gotten!! It feels like my waistline has nearly doubled in circumference over the last week.. I hardily believe this can be attributed to not one, but TWO causes: The premier suspect is the overly indulgent, gluttonous, completely delicious Thanksgiving that I enjoyed and secondly, the rapid-fire growth of my now third-trimester baby! (I can feel the turkey and numerous casseroles I consumed fighting for room with the baby.) I am finally starting to really put on weight, and while this is reassuring in many ways, as a woman, I can’t help but be a little unnerved as I watch the numbers on the scale climb. It’s just something that I think we’re so programmed to fear, that it’s sort of hard to get comfortable with, even though I know it’s perfectly good and healthy. I guess since I gained hardly at all the first two trimesters, my body has a lot of catching up to do! Here is the shot of my glorious belly. I can’t imagine growing at this rate for three more months. Good God.

28 Week Belly

28 Week Belly

Lucy enjoying the belly shelf

Lucy enjoying the belly shelf

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It’s back to the grindstone for me tomorrow morning.. Three more weeks of work until the much-anticipated Christmas Break! I already can’t wait. Hope you all have a great week!

First Fire
November 16, 2008, 8:33 pm
Filed under: babygonzo!, Bellly Shots, tales from the heart


This weekend marked the first real cold snap of the season.. Sam and I were both so excited! Something about this time of year feels so fresh and cozy and new. I love watching the trees turn and knowing that the holiday season is right around the corner. This year seems to be especially exciting for us because even though he’s not actually here yet it feels like we’re getting to spend the holidays with our newest edition. Although he’s not quite in the world, he’s still with us every day and it really has made everything so much more exciting and sweeter. Ha – Can you tell that somebody’s emotions are really working overtime lately? Case in point – I got teary this week at work one day while I was watching over my students dutifully working on an exam. I was just kind of watching them and all of a sudden I was hit with how sweet and good they are, and man it took a lot for me to resist hugging and kissing each one of them. If you knew this class, you’d know what a stretch that is!

In other news, it seems that my belly chose this past week to have it’s official “coming out” party. It really does seem to have all of a sudden ballooned out, or “popped” as they say. I had several comments at work (One student said on Monday, “Your baby got BIG!”) and my first random person comment at HEB. It’s so wild that I actually look pregnant enough for someone who doesn’t even know me to ask when I’m due! So bizarre. WIthout further adieu, here is my Week 26 Belly Shot:

26 Weeks!

26 Weeks!

Hope you guys all have a great week! I promise I’ll try not to cry and hug and kiss my poor students this week. Oooh how frightened they would be! :)

Lady Liberty
November 4, 2008, 9:08 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized
Lady Liberty

Lucy proudly cast her vote representing the usually under-represented feline demographic.. Like a true American, she won't disclose whom she voted for.

Happy Voting Day!  I hope you all had a chance to get out and vote at some point during the day… Is it just me, or is this election making everyone a nervous wreck?  I can hardly even stand to watch the coverage tonight.  It’s almost like hearing someone scratch a chalkboard.. I can’t take it!  I’m considering just going to bed and being surprised by whatever has happened in the morning.

So what was the voting experience like for you guys?  Did you have to withstand any of the excruciating long lines that the news kept going on about?  I actually voted early and so didn’t have to deal with any of that, but today, while I was reading voter accounts of their experiences on CNN, I almost started to wish that I had waited until today just to get the full voting experience!  Long lines!  Bi-partisan chit-chat!  Free coffee!  Woo!  There is really something fundamentally American about casting your vote for president and then heading to Starbucks.  I love it!

No matter which way your ballot went, I hope everyone has been as inspired and encouraged by this election as me. That being said, I can’t wait for the damn thing to be over. :)

Belllllllly Shot – 24 weeks
November 3, 2008, 8:29 pm
Filed under: babygonzo!

It has recently come to my attention that the belly has really taken to extending in the outward direction..  It has finally surpassed my boobs in size, so I guess this is something to be applauded?  I, however, continue to be preoccupied by the enormity of my boobs and am therefore just kind of ignoring the belly all together except for the occasional (frequent) poke trying to annoy the baby into moving around and showing me some love.  The realization that the belly has arrived really hit me this weekend when my mom kept repeating, “You look so pregnant!” when I inadvertently struck certain poses, and I would soon after be caught off guard by camera clicks and flashes in my direction.  So, behold… Week 24:

16 weeks left!

16 weeks left!


With pumpkin for scale!

Okay, I realize my boobs don’t exactly look that impressive in these shots, but I assure you, in real life they are blowing my mind. Keep in mind that I’ve never really had much to work with though, so I guess it’s all relative. :)  I’m just hoping by some miracle that they decide to stay after the baby leaves..  Please don’t crush my dreams and tell me otherwise!