Lucecapades! Welcome to our world..

4 weeks and counting
January 27, 2009, 8:25 pm
Filed under: babygonzo!, Bellly Shots

I find it interesting that at some point during this pregnancy I started counting down the weeks, rather than counting the weeks pregnant that I am. I think this began around the 30 week milestone or so. There is just something slightly more satisfying about saying that I have four! weeks! left! rather than just saying I am 36 weeks along (today!). I can’t believe we’re actually this close.. We have one awesome baby shower under our belts, and we still have one coming so I’m really glad that I have that to look forward to. Other than that this upcoming four week stint feels like a great expanse of time and the blink of an eye all at once. My maternity plans are still not even close to being ready at work, but I am so ready to have this baby I almost don’t even care! I have begun to think that the baby and I are really on the same page here because with how powerfully he is kicking and punching at my insides it really feels like he’s searching for a way out. I am trying to coach him down! down! but so far he’s not paying attention. Typical!

For those interested in my almost cooked baby, here is the most recent belly pic. Apologies for the amount of boob involved.

36 Weeks

36 Weeks

Here are some other pictures of our almost complete nursery… I really like the way that it’s turned out!

View from the door

View from the door

Rocking chair and antique elephant rocking toy

Rocking chair and antique elephant rocking toy

Crib with so so soft new blanket

Crib with so so soft new blanket

Lastly, here is a picture of the closet with some of the loot we were given at the shower in Coldspring. I was so touched by how thoughtful and giving everyone was! It was a really great shower. Oh, and that overflowing bag on the left? That is FULL of all the newborn and 0-3 month clothes that we have that need to be washed and hung up. Althought Sam and I have only bought a few outfits, we have somehow managed to accumulate a TON through many generous donors! Our baby will surely never have to wear an outfit twice.  What a high roller.

Baby Loot

Baby Loot

So what do you think about the nursery?  Yes, I am fishing for compliments and positive reinforcement.  What can I say?  I am very hormonal and need all the help I can get!

I miss…
January 23, 2009, 7:10 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized
  • Shiner Bock and Pacifico with lime
  • Red wine and dinners out
  • Having the stamina to go see live music
  • My body
  • Hugging my husband without this belly being between us
  • An un-aching back
  • Not having to give myself shots everyday
  • Being selfish with my money
  • Normal hormone levels

I think I’ve officially hit the pregnancy wall. I’m ready to be done with it. I’m ready to have my baby already.   4.5 weeks left and already this waiting game is old!

So, anybody else missing anything lately??

Baby school dropouts
January 12, 2009, 8:29 pm
Filed under: babygonzo!, Bellly Shots, mr. and mrs.

Sam and I paid a small fortune to attend a baby birthing class on Saturday and unfortunately it didn’t really turn out all that well.  Not only were we the only couple that did not bring the required materials (a pillow and blanket?  who knew?), we also decided to sneak out during the lunch break and skip out on the afternoon session.  I think this means we failed the pre-test for parenthood.  Let’s hope the real deal goes a little smoother and that we don’t grow as bored with our real baby as we did watching videos of other people’s babies.  Although we didn’t get the full day’s worth of material, we were present for the much anticipated birthing video (and poster sized pictures!).  Needless to say, I think I am much more anxious about labor now than I was beforehand.  I think truly in this case, ignorance is bliss, and now I have been ruined by my knowledge!  The visuals, they are not pretty.  Eek.

Speaking of visuals, here is the glorious, six weeks to go, belly shot:

34 weeks and counting!

34 weeks and counting!

Can you believe that I have only SIX weeks left until this little sucker is supposed to pop out?  I am starting to really feel third trimester pregnant as my back and hips are starting to bug me if I’m up for too long.  Other than that though, the pregnancy is still going swimmingly..  After those initial four months of nausea and nasty hormone swings, things have really been relatively easy.  Now I just can’t wait to get the little guy here and get rid of all this extra weight I’m carrying around!  Sam and I were just fathoming last night how crazy it seems to us that there will actually be another little person living in our house from now on, rather than just the two of us that we’ve grown accustomed to.  I think that there is something that is kind of sad and scary about losing that coupledom that we love so much, but at the same time I know that what we will be gaining will only make things that much more sweeter.  It’s just so hard to wrap my mind around the idea of having another thing in my life to love so much.  I can’t wait to see what it’s like in reality.

In the meantime, while waiting for the eminent arrival, we’ve been occupying ourselves with putting together the nursery.  Sam has been the awesome handyman that has done ALL of the painting, putting togethering, etc. that has been required.  Things are really coming together!  I can’t wait for the final product to be totally ready.  Here are a few pictures of what we have so far:

New crib!

New crib!

Rocking chair from when I was a baby.

Rocking chair from when I was a baby.